django-graphql-jwt uses the following signals:
Sent when a user authenticates successfully.
- Arguments sent with this signal:
sender: The class of the Graphene’s mutation.
request: The current HttpRequest instance.
user: The user instance that just authenticated.
Sent when a single token has been refreshed.
- Arguments sent with this signal:
sender: The class of the Graphene’s mutation.
request: The current HttpRequest instance.
user: The user instance that just refreshed a single token.
Sent when a long running refresh token has been rotated.
- Arguments sent with this signal:
sender: The class of the refresh_token that just rotated.
request: The current HttpRequest instance.
refresh_token: The old RefreshToken instance that just rotated.
refresh_token_issued: The new RefreshToken instance issued.
Sent when a long running refresh token has been revoked.
- Arguments sent with this signal:
sender: The class of the refresh_token that just revoked.
request: The current HttpRequest instance.
refresh_token: The RefreshToken instance that just revoked.